Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Enjoy, Have Fun
Basics First
The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. This sounds all too familiar doesn't it. In most of my learning experience, the hardest part is getting through the inital stages of basic introductory tutorials. Mainly because I just can't wait to jump straight into this 3D modeling experience, hence the fundamental lessons automatically seemed mercilessly slow and dreary. Why not just skip it? I must stress that understanding the basic principles on which a modeling tool operates is actually really crucial especially for 3D newbies like me. You can't read if you haven't learned your ABCs, could you? So I guess the same applies here too.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Limiting Factor
Once too often have we hear complaints that designs modelled using SketchUp do not do enough justice to the actual design idea. Unlike it's other sophisticated counterparts, SketchUp is perceived by most to have very limited modeling capacity. While this may be true to a certain extend, but one must not forget that any modeling tool can only perform as far as the user's will and desire to stretch his skills and creativity. Sometimes we fail to notice the contributing limiting factor in ourselves.
Generally, default textures and model components do not have the range that fit specifically into your style or field of design. Well, you are expected to do it yourself. That's the whole idea, isn't it? Since designers each has their own distinct style, it is only sensible to model a customized range of components characteristic to their trade.
entrance reflective screen & water feature
urban internal courtyard
Get Modelling!
Practice makes perfect! So what are you waiting for? Get moving, get creative. Most importantly, get passionate. For me, that's the ultimate factor that gives a design and model the extra edge. Even a tiny little spark of aspiration, goes a long way.
Digital Visualization
a pond feature to enhance a corner
a pond to invigorate private outdoor niches
an organically shaped pond
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Entrance Statements
egress water feature
Sunday, October 28, 2007
landscape elements & pond are clean & neatly organised
Spacious and privately serene
Make it Count
There is always a sense of gratification when a design is accomplished. Whether it takes days, weeks, months or may be just a few hours to complete, let your time be well spent and design well conceptualised. Make it worthy even if it might not materialise physically. The work is still a testimony of one's style and ability. So learn to enjoy every minute of it.
feature pond with tree platners & stepping blocks
Thursday, October 25, 2007
front yard, minimal & orderly
modern pergola feature
You Keep Going
The thought of throwing in the towel and just have someone else do it, have crossed my mind many times during the initial stages of picking up digital visualization skills. Giving up is so easy, isn't it? But the process of designing is a very personal voyage. Every design, at the end of the day, is a unique imprint of one's ideas and thougths, a visual expression that conveys a silent message.
Truth is, one has to accept the fact that every journey in life is riddled with hurdles and obstacles. Quitting is not an option. You keep going and going not until the obstacles disappear ( because they won't ) but until going over the hurdles become second nature to you.
linear garden layout
entrance structure
linear garden with urban paving design
Friday, October 19, 2007
No Shortcuts
water curtain feature
trees & floral paving
Thursday, October 18, 2007
The Journey Begins

modern tropical water garden
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Designing A Passion

garden pond at the living terrace